The following aspects of law and economics important to understanding comparisons to be made to other sociological approaches are set out: (1) the fundaments of economic behavior; (2) the many worlds of law and economics; (3) the unity of law and economics; and (4) Posnerian law and economics. Other sociological approaches to law, particularly American, are described: (1) case-law research as a sociological approach to law; (2) approaches based on particular theories; (3) empirical sociological approaches generally and as compared with law and economics, particularly Posnerian law and economics; and (4) empiricism as the meeting ground between law and economics and other sociological approaches, a meeting ground in which empirical product rather than competing, theories may be the most important aspect. Finally, the positions of law and economics and other sociological approaches as competitors are explored
Keywords: Case-Law, Empirical, Law, and Economics, Posner, Sociology